Remove git commit which has not been pushed
Some times we need to undo code from the remote branch which is not pushed yet into Git.
There are multiple ways to undo the commit, which has not been pushed yet.
Step 1:- Change in your file
Let's assume you have a project. Which should be pushed on Git. Now you should change in one file. Now check the status through the following command.
$ git status
Step 2:- Add and commit changes
Now you should add and commit these changes to the repository through the following commands.
// Add file
$ git add validator.js// Commit code
$ git commit -m "change some validations"
Step 3:- Check the status
Now, we will check the status through the following command.
$ git status
Now, we will undo the commit. So there are multiple methods for undo, we will perform one by one. Before performing the different methods we should know about logs. Use git log to check all commits then you can decide how many commits do you want to roll back.
$ git log
Step 4:- Remove Commit
There are three ways to remove commits.
1. Remove commit and keep file staged
For keeping files in the staged so we should have to use the following command.
$ git reset --soft HEAD~1
2. Remove commit and unstaged file
If you want to remove the last commit and unstage all files then you can use to use the following command.
$ git reset HEAD~1
3. Remove commit and discard changes
In case you want to remove commit and discard all changes then you should use the following command.
$ git reset --hard HEAD~1
That’s it for this time! I hope you enjoyed this post. As always, I welcome questions, notes, comments and requests for posts on topics you’d like to read. See you next time! Happy Coding !!!!!!