How to upload my own notebook to Kaggle
Kaggle, a subsidiary of Google LLC, is an online community of data scientists and machine learning practitioners. Kaggle allows users to find and publish data sets, explore and build models in a web-based data-science environment, work with other data scientists and machine learning engineers, and enter competitions to solve data science challenges.
This article let we know how to uploads our own notebook and dataset on Kaggle. There are some basic steps that all are given below with screenshot representation.
Step 1:- Login your account
Step 2:- Click on “Notebooks”
Step 3:- Click on “New Notebook”
Step 4:- Click on “Create” after selecting the relevant options
Step 5:- Click on “File”, below the title of the notebook
Step 6:- Click on “Upload Notebook”
The notebook has been uploaded. If you want, you can save your notebook without data set otherwise you can upload the data set that is related to this Notebook.
Step 7:- Click on “Add data”
Step 8:- Click on “Upload a Dataset”
Step 9:- Click on “Select Files to Upload”
Step 10:- Click on “Skip duplicate”
This is the success popup of the dataset that has been uploaded.
Step 11:- Click on “Save Version”
Save the notebook version with details.
Adding collaborators is easy: just go to the Options page and search for another user by name. You can even choose who gets View or Edit permissions using the dropdown.